
Learn more about Hypersonix and tap into our expertise in using machine-learning and generative AI to accelerate eCommerce and retail growth

Direct-to-consumer brands have seen share prices plummet. What can they do to restore value?

Direct-to-consumer brands have seen share prices plummet. What can they do to restore value?

In 2021, many direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands — including Allbirds, Warby Parker, and FIGS — went public. In fact, IPOs among these types of companies were up more than 100% from the previous year.
How Ecommerce Retailers Can Make the Most out of Tough Economies — and Fantastic Ones, too

How Ecommerce Retailers Can Make the Most out of Tough Economies — and Fantastic Ones, too

What a difference a couple of years makes.
How Pureplay Ecommerce Companies Can Fight Back Against the Increasing Cost of Returns

How Pureplay Ecommerce Companies Can Fight Back Against the Increasing Cost of Returns

Though ecommerce companies have no doubt enjoyed the pandemic-fueled surge of the last two years, growth of the sector has created a new challenge: returns.
Inflation: How Ecommerce Retailers Can Mitigate its Effects

Inflation: How Ecommerce Retailers Can Mitigate its Effects

Higher prices are here to stay. As a result, consumers are having to spend more on things like food, gas, and other staples — and many ecommerce companies are suffering as a result.
Profit Rules, But Price Will Always be King

Profit Rules, But Price Will Always be King

Price optimization can help midsized ecommerce retailers to secure a profit margin and compete with the industry’s giants, but the experience of using analytics systems has to improve.
The Profitability Puzzle Facing E-commerce Retailers

The Profitability Puzzle Facing E-commerce Retailers

The e-commerce industry is making moves to defend its margins. The ability of online retailers to balance price with profitability will determine who wins in volatile markets.
Why Profit is Becoming Priority #1 for Online Retailers 

Why Profit is Becoming Priority #1 for Online Retailers 

As the e-commerce industry matures, it faces many of the same challenges as traditional retail. Mastery of data remains the key to success, but what that means is evolving. 
Use AI to Enhance these 12 E-Commerce Pricing Strategies

Use AI to Enhance these 12 E-Commerce Pricing Strategies

The pandemic created favorable conditions for e-commerce retailers. Curbs on human interactions, including stay-at-home advice and shuttered stores, saw online shopping reach an unprecedented 15.7 percent of total U.S. retail spending in the second...
Accelerated Intelligence: Moving at the Speed of Business

Accelerated Intelligence: Moving at the Speed of Business

Speed-to-market has been an age-old tenant of successful businesses; the companies that can reach customers with the right product or service the fastest often grab the biggest market share and establish their foothold with their target audience. Today,...
Back to business: How data intelligence is helping supply chain recovery

Back to business: How data intelligence is helping supply chain recovery

Two years on, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt lives, economies, and businesses. With new variants popping up, countries are reimposing lockdowns and border restrictions. While different countries are in various stages of recovery, the supply...
Awash with Data, Retailers Should Invest in Pricing Intelligence to Improve Margin in 2022

Awash with Data, Retailers Should Invest in Pricing Intelligence to Improve Margin in 2022

The experience of Covid-19 has had many twists and turns, but as 2022 unfolds there is growing confidence that the worst is behind us. Thanks to vaccines and the fast-spreading yet less virulent omicron variant, expectations are that infections will peak...
Micro Insights: Spotting the spoilers with sound data intelligence

Micro Insights: Spotting the spoilers with sound data intelligence

Over the last decade, companies working in the artificial intelligence (AI) space have attempted a myriad of applications, experienced thousands of successes as well as failures, and started to fine-tune what AI along with machine learning can do. In...
Pervasive Impact: From Optimized Production to Customer Addiction

Pervasive Impact: From Optimized Production to Customer Addiction

Having the right data intelligence at every stage of a retail product’s life creates a pervasive and positive impact for manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and customers. However, historic ways of managing data fail to provide the agility,...
Perennial Profitability: Transforming a business continuity plan into a profit continuity plan

Perennial Profitability: Transforming a business continuity plan into a profit continuity plan

Business Continuity Plans have been the holy grail of disaster recovery. From focusing on natural events such as fires, floods, or earthquakes–and now pandemics, Business Continuity Plans today are also obsessed with unnatural disruptions and take-downs...
The ABCs of Resilient Retail

The ABCs of Resilient Retail

Global pandemics, uncontrollable wildfires, natural disasters, geopolitical disruptions… the events of the last several years have shown us that uncertainty is the only certainty that exists in the modern world.
AI: Driving profitable revenue growth in the festive season

AI: Driving profitable revenue growth in the festive season

The end-of-year holiday period draws the highest revenues for retail businesses. For people and businesses alike, the festive season is a time for cheer and a positive buying attitude. In 2020, retailers braced for reduced sales margins as the pandemic...
Top 5 strategies to drive profitable revenue growth with customer-centric AI

Top 5 strategies to drive profitable revenue growth with customer-centric AI

AI entered our worlds to make life easier with systems supporting speed, safety, and simplicity. In its early stages, AI was significantly input-focused with the agenda of supporting the evolution of the technology with applications that were largely...
Hypersonix Revs Up for NRF 2022 in New York City

Hypersonix Revs Up for NRF 2022 in New York City

Positioned at the starting line, Hypersonix prepares to share its retail technology story at the 2022 National Retail Federation (NRF) Retail’s Big Show, which is scheduled for January 16-18 in New York City. After a one-year in-person hiatus due to...

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